BelievingtheNeuroscienceOne Book Telling All You Need to Know about Beliefs


By Michael McGuire
Prometheus Books, $19.95, 275 pages

Michael McGuire’s Believing is packed with valuable information on many aspects of beliefs – what they are, how they originate and evolve, why we believe what we believe, and more. The book is divided into short chapters concisely explaining the science underlying the process of believing as the author includes interesting real stories and clips from interviews to illustrate the topics in different chapters.

“Our god is our ability to survive and remain healthy.”

McGuire’s language and style makes the topic easy and nontechnical for average readers. His narrative is smooth and interesting to follow. The information is presented in an objective tone and where he includes a personal belief, he is mindful of specifying so – a big strength of his book.

The author’s work is not only educational but also inspirational in the sense that it calls for critical thinking and evaluation of beliefs and avoiding assumptions and presumptions – something not always very obvious. Practically, Believing is a work with good potential for reducing prejudice and opening minds to analysis and reevaluation of beliefs. With a valuable list of references at the end, McGuire’s book is a must-read for all lovers of good books.

Reviewed by Ernest Dempsey

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