[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Promopress
Formats: Hardcover
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble [/alert]

This wonderful activity book is full of so much more than just dinosaurs. It starts with the first living organism on the planet then moves through the different geological eras introducing different dinosaurs and creatures as you move forward in time, ending with us, humans. On every page there is something fun to draw or color, as well as informational tidbits, fun facts, and various activities to complete like color by numbers, a maze, a cut out Pterodactylus mobile, as well as a paper doll cut out that you could decorate with accessories. The illustrations are very quirky and fun. Once the pages are completed they can be pulled out and mounted in the place of honor on the refrigerator or given to a favorite person as a gift.

This book is perfect for anyone who wants to learn a little more about our planet and the life that as lived on it before humans. In the back of the book there is a “Wikisaurus” where all the dinosaurs are collected, identified, and defined so the enthusiast can always refer back to it. This book is for any child, young or old, boy or girl who loves dinosaurs, coloring, activities, or simply reading.

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