[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Scholastic
Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Kindle, Audio Book, Audible
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble | iBooks[/alert]

After the events in The Wolves of Mercy Falls, Cole St. Clair, a recovering addict, former front man of NARKOTIKA, and werewolf, travels halfway across the country to California where Isabel Culpeper now resides. Here, Cole stars in a web series that brings him back into the limelight after his supposed death the previous year. While trying to fulfill his duty as internet sensation and rock star, Cole tries to mend his fragmented relationship with Isabel who adamantly rejects Cole until he can redeem himself. As Cole struggles to maintain balance with his addiction, stardom, and relationships, will he lose himself?

Contrary to the preceding trilogy of The Wolves of Mercy Falls, the newest installment focuses upon the internal struggles of Cole St. Clair. The main trilogy centers its plot solely around the struggles of being a werewolf and the cure to lycanthropy. Stiefvater possesses a keen understanding of the human psyche and carefully crafts the broken wreck that is Cole St. Clair. Sinner depicts Cole’s recovery from drugs and his past, and his attempts to rekindle a relationship with Isabel Culpeper. With intricate wordplay highlighting and exhibiting the complexities in forming and maintaining meaningful relationships, Stiefvater creates yet another masterpiece. However, Sinner fails to give any importance to Cole’s werewolf side, choosing instead to show Cole’s transformation into a wolf simply as a means of escape similar to his previous drug use. Sinner is sure to please most, if not all fans of the original trilogy.

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