[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Running Press
Formats: Paperback, Kindle
Purchase: Powell’s | Amazon | IndieBound | Barnes & Noble[/alert]

Steff Deschenes’ concept is good: celebrate a holiday every day with food. She came up with three-hundred-sixty-six “holidays” you can honor with a specific food item of that day. Some we already know well, e.g. Thanksgiving that ought to be National Turkey Day. But not in Deschenes’ book, it is National Cake Day. The author of Eat the Year runs through every day of the year, month by month, and finds someone’s food designation to celebrate that day. Here are some examples: National Orange and Lemons Day; National Curried Chicken Day; National Cherry Popsicle Day; National Gumbo Day.

“Food holidays are about capturing the essence of the day—whatever that means to you.”

The question is what’s the usefulness of such information? And to whom did the author write this book? A few have meanings, such as January one, Bloody Mary Day and December thirty-one, Champagne Day. Some are ridiculous: Greasy Food Day, Food Day, and so on. Although there are recipes, no home cook would be interested trying them, as they are simple recipes of not much interest and they don’t offer anything new. The book is without illustration except for occasional little sketches. Deschenes starts each day with a meaningless head note and a quotation, and some have a “Did you Know?” information no reader would be interested in.

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