[alert variation=”alert-info”]Publisher: Polebridge Press
Formats: Paperback
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble[/alert]

The Gospel of Jesus is a very compelling book with the spoken words of Jesus. This book would be an excellent resource for the newcomer to religious study as well as to others who wish to read the words of Jesus and then, on the facing page, be able to locate the exact chapter and verse where these words were used in the Bible. The authors chose their arrangement of the words from the Gospel of Mark. They are also arranged by topic and by story. They included a section of notes to categorize all of the chapters and verses on the birth of Jesus and on his life of teachings and until his death. This version of New Testament Bible stories would be a great companion guide for anyone who would like to find easy to read words from the Bible. The Gospel of Jesus is a thought-provoking book which will delight or threaten and/or test your knowledge of the New Testament.

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