Accord Books, $16.99, 12 pages
The Robot Book from Accord Publishing is an innovative and interactive children’s book for busy little budding young readers! Every other page offers a cog or a bolt or a gear to push, to pull or to tug. The story offers a sweet, poetic message of what is really important; what’s on the inside of a robot that makes them count. Cleverly comparing a robot to a child’s own “parts” helps little eyes relate to words and learn to read and talk. Those words are big and bold, scripted with the font being made up of tools and robot parts. Sturdy, thick cardboard pages and tough bolts secure the moving parts. The only constructive (pun intended) criticism this reviewer can give, is this book is too short. There are so many more parts to a robot and so many more fun-filled pages that could be shared with your little ones. Take this opportunity to enjoy this book with a young’un you may know!