Welcome to Portland Book Review’s very first printed edition! We are all so excited to be putting this paper out to other avid readers and book lovers alike.
One of the things we, as a staff, have focused on is making a hallmark in Portland, choosing books that would appeal to you; our readers. Please take some time to visit our website at www.portlandbookreview.com; share your comments, check out our other reviews and news-worthy articles and let us know what you want to read. We also want to ask that you support our distribution sites and advertising patrons as well. Your participation will keep this paper alive!
With the devastating news of Powell’s recent announcement of layoffs and now Borders’ bankruptcy, it reminds us all to support the art of reading, buying books both locally and on-line to keep books alive. There’s not much out there in this world that compares to curling up with a book in your favorite spot with a hot cup of coffee or tea. Make it an iced mocha (no whip, please) for this summer’s reading which, we will be featuring Cookbooks, Food, Wines and Vacation Spots in our June edition.
My favorite spot for reading is in my bed, all snuggly with my goose-down comforter and pillows fluffed and propped all around me like a nest. To feel the book in my hands, the soft pages between my fingers, the smell of the new book’s ink…what could be better? Neither an electronic device that’s cold and impersonal, nor a laptop that strains your neck and arms, I would rather have a book any day to highlight or be able to dog-ear the pages.
Do you remember that cheesy, sci-fi television show called Thunderbirds Are Go in the mid-sixties? I sure do, and these recent events with our beloved bookstores bring it back to mind. The Thunderbirds had a battle cry before they always banded together to save the world. They would simply bellow; Thunderbirds, Unite! Well, I say we adopt that same enthusiasm, that, call to arms and shout; Readers Unite!
M. Chris Johnson, Editor-in-Chief