powerHouse books, $35.00, 196
Suburban Knights is an interesting book for those that like to see other people in armor. It’s about the Society for Creative Anachronism, and why people join it. Although the emphasis is on the armor, and the book shows that through its dozens of pictures, it’s ultimately about the people that make it up. The SCA is a medieval recreationist group, where the emphasis is on the ideals of the period and not its realities. Thus, knights in armor and the code of honor exemplified by them is explored, and but not the more negative traits, such as chauvinism; if one pinched the wrong damsel, one is likely to be whacked by her sword.
There are stories of the SCA as well from its members, making it an interesting history book. Of special interest are the last few pages, where the non-SCA lives of those pictured are briefly touched on, showing that these are regular people; they just like to fight occasionally. The pictures that make up the bulk of the book are fun as well, as they show people in some gorgeous suits of armor. This not only makes a great coffee table book, but is great for showing people what the SCA is all about.
Reviewed by Jamais Jochim