By Lindsay McKenna, $7.99, 312 pages
In Lindsay McKenna’s Deadly Identity we find Rachel Carson, who has a past she would like to forget — only to forget is to die. Struggling to make a new life she finds herself in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. There she meets Cade Garner, a local deputy. In a strange turn of events Rachel becomes the nanny for Cade’s new daughter.
From here this story goes from predictable to just plain ridiculous. These two people are so in love they can barely stand to be in the same room together due to sexual tension, yet they manage to raise a child together for 6 months with no accidental touches or stolen kisses.The continued description of the tension between these two is repetitive to say the least. The reader begins to think; yah, yah, so do something about it already! This is very reminiscent of old fashioned love stories of angst and unrequited love but, in all honestly, this story is sugary sweet and unrealistic in the extreme. A young woman who has been cloistered away from all society would find this story exhilarating, but for women and men of the 21st century it is instead dull and lifeless.
Reviewed by Rebecca Feuerbacher