By Greg Bear, Tor, $24.99, 352 pages
Halo: Cryptum is a book unlike the other Halo books that are based upon the widely popular video game series. Where most Halo books drop you into the world of Halo that you’ve already touched upon, Halo: Cryptum takes you into the unknown – the origin of the Forerunners. What once was just a tale told is now alive and most certainly real in this novel.
Although my husband has tried and tried, I have never been a fan of the Halo video games. Though I do know the storyline, the game was never my cup of tea. However, Halo: Cryptum has made me rethink that. This book takes you on a journey through the time of the Forerunners, which was a world not so different from ours yet varies greatly in language, technology and species. It’s a history lesson in itself minus the boring monotone storyteller and adding a nice helping of action into the mix. The story has complex characters, unlike allies, danger and betrayal – basically, everything one would want for an incredible science fiction read.
This book is a must-have for all Halo fans to add to their collection and a must-read for all sci-fi fans. Though you may have to learn some new vocabulary to understand the world in the book, once you get in it you’ll never want to come out.
Reviewed by Missy Wadkins