By Eric San Juan, $9.95, 144 pages
Wouldn’t it be nice if life came with a set of instructions? Eric San Juan, in his book Stuff Every Husband Should Know, uses comedy and common sense to present some key points that every woman would agree men should know when entering into marriage. Divided into three sections (Regarding the Wife, the Home, and the Family), the book is highly entertaining. Each point is succinct and humorous. The wisdom shared begins with The Ten Commandments of Marriage (#5 – Everything is your fault. Learn to embrace this. #10 – Laugh. A lot. Laugh with her. Laugh at yourself.) You’ll find Words to Forget You Ever Knew and Stuff You Should Learn How to Say. How to Drive Together in Peace teaches us that the woman always controls the climate and men must learn to deal with it. Helpful tips for around the house include getting rid of spiders, how to make a bed, and how to hire a handyman. This makes a perfect gift for a newly married man. It’s never too late to learn.
Reviewed by Kathryn Franklin