By Genevieve Cote, Kids Can Press, $16.95, 32 pages
Without You got my attention immediately as the cover illustration was precious! A rabbit and little pink pig are sitting back to back, arms crossed and very annoyed with each other. I couldn’t wait to open the book to the first pages to see what was going on. As you open the book I loved the scribbles on the plain pages before starting the story. The rabbit decided he didn’t want to play with his friend anymore and both played alone. It wasn’t long before they realized that imperfections in ones act of conduct weren’t as important as the close friendship that they once had.
The illustrations were perfect for the story. They were classy and simple. I especially loved the way it was pieced together with the rabbit on the left pages and the pig always on the right. This is a sweet endearing story and very young children will be able to comprehend what is going on. Without You teaches a lesson in true friendship and a message that everyone in life gets annoyed with each other from time to time. I took away from this book that I will cherish my friends. I give this book a two thumbs up!
Reviewed by Rhonda Fischer