Candlewick Press, $16.99, 53 pages
What do the dodo, broad-faced potoroo, great auk, Steller’s sea cow, and marsupial wolf have in common? Unfortunately, they are all extinct. That means nobody will ever see a living one again. Many other animals are on the verge of extinction. Martin Jenkins, author and consultant for the World Conservation Monitoring Center, addresses these issues in Can We Save the Tiger?.
This topic is quite sad, but Jenkins presents the information in a hopeful way. He celebrates conservation successes. Many species of animals, including the American bison, Antarctic fur seal, and vicuna have been saved by eco-friendly groups. There are 17,500 white rhinoceroses living today; only 20 were left at the end of the nineteenth century. Jenkins offers suggestions for what people can do to protect endangered species. School children will benefit from exposure to the ideas presented. The book’s size is ideal for sharing with large groups (everyone will see the pictures). Vicky White, zookeeper and artist, captures the beauty of the animals in her pencil and oil painted drawings. Parents should be prepared to help kids brainstorm ways to support wildlife conservation. A trip to the zoo may be just the motivation they need.
Reviewed by Elizabeth Franklin