By Stephen King, Scribner, $27.99, 368 pages
Despite what the title of the book suggests, you should probably read this with the lights on. Full Dark, No Stars is Stephen King’s newest collection of stories. He has written over 40 novels and two hundred short stories. This collection consists of four never-before-published long stories. Although each is a separate tale with different characters, they are all connected by the theme of marriage and relationships. Unfortunately for the characters, their experiences are horrible, if not terrifying.
The first story, “1922,” is about a husband who wants to remain on the family’s farm even though his wife wants to move to the big city. The way he chooses to solve the argument haunts him for the rest of his life. Once you read “1922,” you’ll never think of rats in the same way. “Big Driver” features Tess, a mystery writer. She puts her characters in the middle of all kinds of trouble, but she never imagined she’d be the victim of a brutal rape. After the attack, she must decide whether or not to seek revenge. King’s other stories are just as psychologically thrilling. It’s best to keep those lights on!
Reviewed by Elizabeth Franklin