by Molly Rausch, Illustrated by Nora Krug
Putnam Juvenile, $16.99, 32 pages
Can a cold germ go on vacation? Molly Rausch answers this question in her book My Cold Went on Vacation, a lighthearted look at the travels of a cold germ. One morning, a boy awakens with a runny nose, a sore throat, and a fever. A cold germ has come to stay. But in a few days, the boy feels better and he wonders where the germ went. It turns out that the cold germ has the traveling bug!
The author shares information about the city or country where the cold germ stops. A world map on the inside cover gives parents and teachers an opportunity to discuss continents, oceans, and landmarks. The travels of the cold germ include flying over the Sahara, walking around Tokyo, looking for penguins in Antarctica, and backpacking through Peru. While the author does not discuss how to stop the travel of the cold germ, she leaves the opportunity for teachers and parents to review personal hygiene and discuss how cold germs can travel. Illustrator Nora Krug’s work adds humor and meaning to the story. Her creative drawings help make the cold germ and the other characters in the book come alive.
Reviewed by Kathryn Franklin