New World Library, $22.95, 224 pages
The subtitle to radio host Michael Krasny’s newest novel, Spiritual Envy, is an agnostic’s quest. An agnostic, is someone who is doubtful about the existence or demonstrability of God or any other deity.
I opened this book assuming that Mr. Krasny was going to tell about his experience as an agnostic, how he came to be one and what it means. There is some of that in Spiritual Envy but not much. The book, instead, seems to be a collection of essays loosely based around the author’s own doubts, fears, and wishes regarding his lack of faith. A better subtitle might have been a personal journey, or reflections on the Deity. This would save a lot of people looking for a book about agnosticism from picking up this one which is most certainly about Michael Krasny, and little else.
Many of the essays go over the same topic and all seem to be pleading for some measure of acknowledgment of the writer’s existence. Mr. Krasny is a talented writer and a gifted speaker, so it is a shame his book is full of selfish demands that the universe acknowledge these facts and their author.
Reviewed by Jonathon Howard