By Beverly Lewis, Bethany House, $14.99, 352 pages
Anyone who enjoys Amish stories loves Beverly Lewis’ tales. She has a unique way of capturing her characters so they each stand out as individuals and forces you to identify with them. Lewis’ depiction of the old ways brings out a nostalgia that will make you want to live the simple Amish life. The Thorn is the first in the Rose Trilogy and is about an Englishmen who is adopted by an Amish pastor and his family. At eleven years of age, he had a hard time fitting in with Amish lifestyle and their strong belief system. The two Amish sisters are intertwined, with one marrying an Englisher leaving her family and faith behind and the other sister, making friends with the adopted boy.
The family drama is intriguing as the married sister suddenly longs to come home to her family heritage against her husband’s wishes. Will they all accept her back? What about her husband? Will he follow her?
This book, as all of Beverly Lewis’ books, brings you into the lives of her characters and you want to know more about them.
Reviewed by Mary Church