By Dakota Cassidy, Berkley, $15.00, 368 pages
You Dropped a Blonde on Me is such a fun book, I’m going to keep it handy to re-read if I get down in the dumps. There’s an outright guffaw on at least every other page, if not more often. It’s sort of a how-to book for women who’ve lost out on a supposedly good marriage, discovering in the process just how badly they’ve been trampled on, and need to get their backbone in good working order again. Of course, it helps immensely to have a good-looking, intelligent, sensible and sensitive guy to help you pick up the pieces, I must admit.
When former Trophy Wife Maxine Cambridge is dumped—hard!—by her ex, she and their son move in with her Mom, who lives in a retirement village. Max cannot find a job, and finally finds a little work in the community – walking dogs, etc. She keeps running into the luscious Campbell Barker (whose Dad lives in the community) with whom she went to high school. He was smitten with her then, and nothing has changed since then – in his opinion, at least.
Lots of hijinks! Lots of fun. And a happily-ever-after ending. Perfect.
Reviewed by Kelly Ferjutz