By Teddy Newton, Pixar, $14.99, 32 pages

10“Thanks, my friend. Now there is something new in me because of you.”

When Disney or Pixar release a new film it has become a tradition to also release a short that plays before the movie starts. These animated shorts are not part of the main story and have their own separate and unique characters. You may remember Presto, For the Birds and Dug’s Special Mission. Teddy Newton is one of Pixar’s best artists and the author of Day & Night. The book is an illustrated version of the short which appears before Toy Story 3. Collectors of animation and Disney memorabilia will jump at the chance to add this to their shelves. Readers will be in for a surprise as Day and Night meet each other for the first time. Day is very happy. He is made from flowers and sunshine. Night is darker. He is made from forests and fireworks. Both express themselves in different ways. Their challenge is to see what they have in common. Will Day and Night become friends? Find out why the short was nominated for Best Animated Short Film at the 83rd Academy Awards. This book illustrates that new experiences don’t need to be feared. In fact, the unknown can be wonderful.

Reviewed by Elizabeth Franklin