By Matthew Reinhart and Robert Sabuda, Candlewick Press, $29.99, 12 pages
What do sea monsters, dragons, Bigfoot and zombies have in common? They are parts of legend and lore from cultures around the world. They also look really cook as pop-up art. Artists and authors Matthew Reinhart and Robert Sabuda have teamed up to create the final book in their Encyclopedia Mythologic trilogy entitled Dragons & Monsters.
This thrilling and unique book is unlike anything you’ve seen. It is jam packed with lore, legend, tales, illustrations and best of all…Pop-Ups! At first glance this book may seem short. But just take a look inside to see that each page is filled with stories, trivia, pop-ups and mini-pages on each big page. For example, the “Villains” section features the gigantic head of Medusa. On either side the authors explore more villains on mini-pages that pull out to reveal even smaller pop-ups. Readers will come face to face with a Sphinx and a Minotaur, among others. The colors are brilliant and eye-catching. Reinhart and Sabuda, called Master Paper Engineers, have used their unique talent to create a beautiful book of art. When you struggle to make paper dolls, think of making an Abominable Snowman! Let’s leave it to the Master Paper Engineers!
Reviewed by Elizabeth Franklin