by George Beard and Harold Hutchins
The Blue Sky Press, $9.99, 187 pages
Calling all fans of Captain Underpants and Super Diaper Baby! You’ve waited 9 years for this moment. Diaper Baby is back and better than ever. Author Dav Pilkey’s comical and endearing work will be a favorite of old and new readers.
Super Diaper Baby 2: The Invasion of the Potty Snatchers recaps the first book so don’t worry if you didn’t read it. Kids will love the potty humor which is quite literally about evil drops of pee and potties on the loose. This humor is not for everyone. But it might be what gets a reluctant reader excited about this book. Both the comic form and funny illustrations add to the charm. Readers will notice occasional misspellings and grammatical errors. But given that the book is written in the voice of a diapered baby, they seem appropriate. The multicultural cast of characters is a great feature of the book. Diaper Baby is African American and a role model for children regardless of race or gender. The included Flip-o-Ramas are just as fun as ever. Find out if Diaper Baby and Diaper Dog can save the town’s toilets.
Reviewed by Elizabeth Franklin