by Catherine Jinks

Harcourt, $16.99, 410 pages

Imagine waking up in a hospital with no memory of the night before only to be questioned by the police because you had broken into a wild game park and fallen asleep naked in a Dingo pen. It happened to Toby Vandevelde. And the explanation for such outrageous behavior is anything but believable. Except that he starts to believe it, especially when he is kidnapped and imprisoned in a fighting arena before the next full moon. Action packed, suspenseful, and a wild ride, tempered by the extremely logical narration of a thirteen year old werewolf, The Abused Werewolf Rescue Group carries the reader along for the most absurd discovery of a young boy’s life. Strangely enough, as Toby begins to believe that anything might be real, so do you. Toby is an impressive character not just for his forthright narration of events, but also for his ingenuity in stressful situations. He is someone worth rooting for.

Reviewed by Rachelle Barrett