Pixiq, $19.95, 160 pages
Who knew that the little camera on your iPhone could be used to create art? Well, at least author Stephanie C. Roberts believes it can in her work The Art of iPhoneography: A Guide to Mobile Creativity. The book itself is in a cute shape of a camera and not a whole lot bigger than an iPhone. It’s a book many will pick up out of curiosity or for a laugh, but, to the author’s credit, this camera-book has more to offer than one would think.
She goes through the phone’s settings and options for higher-quality pictures, tackling even the most naïve iPhone users’ inability to grasp the obvious. It makes for quicker reading and ease of use, rather than assuming the reader is iPhone savvy.
The different sections or chapters are usefully linear, allowing knowledge to be the guide. From Craft Your Toolkit to Join the Community, every aspect of taking pictures with your iPhone is covered. Remarkably creative work with comparison photos and encouraging shots for an artist’s muse, this book is delightfully informative!