by Dawn Meehan

Howard Books, $14.99, 260 pages

By the time Dawn Meehan raised her sixth child, she had spent nearly five years of her life being pregnant and had changed 38,972 diapers! In her book You’ll Lose the Baby Weight (and OTHER LIES About Pregnancy and Childbirth) Meehan shares hilarious and heart-warming stories and wisdom with moms, mothers-to-be, and anyone looking for a fun read. Meehan divides her chapters by month: “In the Beginning” is month one, “Almost Done Throwing Up” is month three, and “The End is in Sight” is month nine. Each chapter begins with a funny list (“Stupid Things People Say to Pregnant Women” and “Signs You’re Ready to Start a Family”).

Meehan leaves no topic alone. She includes details your doctor might not even tell you. Embarrassing stories are more humorous than blush-inducing. Snarky comments have (thankfully!) been left in and will have readers laughing out loud. When you are pregnant or trying to conceive, sometimes a good laugh is what you need most. Meehan acknowledges the fact that pregnancy and childbirth has its ups and downs, but if you can laugh and enjoy the process, it becomes even more special and memorable.

by Kathryn Franklin