Rizzoli, $24.95, 302 pages
It would be great if life came with instructions. How to Be A Man is a step in the right direction. A wide variety of topics are discussed, ranging from how to wear a tie to the pluses and minuses of chivalry. The history of man, just man, sorry ladies, is explored as is his place in pop culture, is briefly explored, as is how the personality has changed. Almost all topics are broached, from the correct etiquette to use at a barbecue to how to be, well, a man. All of this is done a tone that is the perfect between respect and snarkiness, and the illustrations are perfect for the material as presented.
This book should be mandatory reading for all boys and men. There is a lot of material presented, but it is done in such a way as to promote men to think about who they are and how they present themselves, and to not take themselves too seriously. This is the perfect book for any man debating their place in society and looking to not just fit in but to be a better man.
Jamais Jochim