Happy New Year! What a joyful sentiment. It’s filled with cheerfulness, potential, renewed enthusiasm and giddy anticipation. A new year brings new buds of hope. Hope. As I think back over this last year, I am reminded of all the newness and growth – even through painful situations, Portland Book Review experienced. Some positive improvements but many lessons learned as well.
Portland Book Review will celebrate the beginning of its second year in publication in 2012! We have so many aspirations and are rejuvenated with fresh ideas and hopeful expectations of more great books and reviews to come! With our new Copy Editors, we are armed to move forward with renewed vigor (and accuracy!). Our distribution is growing and our web presence grows every week. We have a new theme to our website allowing us to follow through on some new ideas to engage you, entertain you and inspire you. Let us know what you’d like to see and read and we’ll get on it! Stayed tuned for more to come in 2012…
May the new year bring you joy, the excitement of a year of activities and, many good books filling you with fresh dreams and an endlessly new imagination!
Readers Unite!
M. Chris Johnson
Editor in Chief