Cartwheel Books, $13.00, 40 pages
The Can You See What I See? books make up a widely popular search-and-find series. Walter Wick, author and photographer, masterfully creates each bestselling work of art. His eighth installment, titled Can You See What I See?: Toyland Express, takes readers and picture puzzle solvers into a magical world where the Toyland Express train is being constructed. Follow the train from the workshop to the attic and search for more than 250 hidden objects. Alongside each intricately detailed scene (of which there are 12) is a rhyming list of objects to find: two bells, a birdhouse, a pencil, a pail, a ball of string, and a long cattail. The sets are assembled by Wick. He then photographs the scene and writes the clues. Parents will enjoy participating in the hunt along with their child. Make up new lists of hidden things to challenge each other. The book makes a great birthday or holiday gift for a child to lose himself in when it is time to settle down. Wick’s choice of words will build a child’s vocabulary. Is a long cattail a marsh reed, or is it literally the tail of a cat? Only a sharp eye will discover the answer.
Kathryn Franklin
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