Kids Can Press, $16.95, 28 pages
Busy Beaver has a big To-Do List. He has to chop trees with his big teeth. Then he has to drag the wood to the dam he’s building. Yet he doesn’t realize how his work affects his friends. Sometimes he’s careless with the wood he leaves around his leaking dam. One branch even falls on Bear’s head! When Beaver gets injured and spends time recuperating in the hospital, he reflects on his behavior and comes up with a plan to help clean up the forest. Most importantly, he practices saying, “I’m sorry.” Will his friends accept his apology and can they come together to rebuild their home?
Nicholas Oldland’s The Busy Beaver is filled with charming characters including a beaver, a moose, a bear, and a homeless bird family. The book highlights the importance of taking care of others and the world around us. Oldland’s illustrations were created using Photoshop and they are fun and creative. There is a great yet subtle ecology preservation message. Busy Beaver is a character who has flaws but he realizes that with some yoga, reading, and reflection, he can become a better Beaver.
Kathryn Franklin