By David Ward, Amulet Books, 290 pages
-A Book Within a Book-
Books take us on adventures to new places. We can meet new people and experience different cultures. What if you could travel to those destinations just by opening a book’s cover? That is exactly what Yeats does in David Ward’s new book Between Two Ends. A trip to Gran’s house gives Yeats the chance to explore her mysterious library filled with old and wonderful books, and the bookends that hold them on the shelves are just as ancient. In fact, the two pirate bookends are magical. Skin and Bones transport Yeats to the land of sand, swords and tigers. Ward has created a book within a book, a story that places readers in the middle of The Arabian Nights. Youngsters ages 8 and up who read chapter books will love this thrilling story. Teachers who read aloud to classes will treasure this book and its unique and charismatic characters. Cat fans will enjoy Odysseus, Gran’s beautiful feline who becomes Yeats’ buddy. Ward’s writing is fast-paced and guaranteed to keep readers on the edge of their seats. Can Yeats navigate exotic landscapes and survive dangerous encounters to safely make his way back to Gran’s house? Be prepared for an awesome journey!
Elizabeth Franklin