By B.B. Griffith, Griffith Publishing, 503 pages
We always learn something when we read a book, and this reviewer learned a very important lesson while reading B.B. Griffith’s Blue Fall – never underestimate a first-time author. From the very beginning, Blue Fall sucks you in, the characters gripping you by the collar and begging you to follow them. The Tournament is a competition with no limits; a competition that has changed the way world problems are handled and could completely alter the course of history if people let it. Teams from eight of the world’s most prominent countries are pitted against one another in a fight to the death – or what looks like death.
Out of several outstanding things about Blue Fall, one of the most pronounced is that the reader has an idea of what is going to happen at the end based on the title, but Griffith manages to suck the breath out of the reader’s body in the last 38 pages. On top of this surprising finish, the reader will be rooting for and against every character in the book, and while it can seem like there are a lot of people to keep track of, each character is important to the development of the story and Blue Fall would lack without them.
Blue Fall is a mystery, action, and science fiction novel, but don’t stay away from it if you have never liked those in the past. Griffith manages to merge love, family, relationships, intrigue and action into 500 pages that you will never want to put down. As a bonus, this is only volume one. There are questions left to be answered after the reader closes the book, and Griffith does it in a way that leaves you aching for the next volume – in the best way possible. This reviewer never felt unsatisfied by the way things were wrapped at the end of Blue Fall and anticipates a second volume that will keep the reader on the edge of their seat just as much as volume one did. Being thoroughly impressed by Griffith’s writing style and level of detail, I would recommend this book to readers who enjoy reading – there isn’t a reader that wouldn’t be enthralled by Blue Fall.
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