By Stephen and Wayne Miltz
Sourcebooks, $10.99, 334 pages
When parents get their hands on a cell phone, watch out world! For every family that has dealt with immature parental texting, this book is for you. Stephen and Wayne Miltz, authors of Crazy Things Parents Text, introduces readers to the seven phases of textual maturity that every mom and dad must conquer before becoming digitally and textually adept. This hilarious book gives readers a glimpse into the inner workings of the mysterious minds of their parental units. The authors’ website,, features reader-submitted texts sent to them by their parents. This gem of a book showcases the best texts the authors held back from the site. It’s a cycle…kids learn to text, kids teach their parents how to text, parents text kids, kids write a book, parents become better at texting than their own kids! Our parents mature before our own eyes! Be aware that some chapters deal with mature topics (i.e. “I meant to send that to your father…”).
The seven phases include Lost in Translation, I Meant to Send that to Your Father, Teaching Life Lessons, Did You Really Just Text Me That?!, Dad for the Win, Mom for the Win, and Equals At Long Last. Families that text together laugh together!
Kathryn Franklin
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