By Shayne Moore
Zondervan, $14.99, 224 pages
Can a full time mother of three go from the demands of her insular suburban life to become an advocate? Shayne Moore, author of Global Soccer Mom, writes about how she found inspiration in God to become educated about worldwide poverty, the exploitation of women and children, and preventable diseases. Using her faith to guide her, Moore started small and ended up becoming a non-celebrity spokesperson for the Campaign to Make Poverty History. Along with superstars such as Bono, George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and leaders from the Christian community, Moore discovered that changing the world is easier than you think. Small, individual choices can have a huge impact.
Women will be inspired to jump into advocacy, step by step. Moore offers suggestions on how to get involved. You do not have to reach outside your comfort zone in order to be active and become part of the conversation. Help a charity, send letters to government and political representatives, organize a meeting, donate time or money, read books on the subject, and educate yourself. Religious themes are prevalent; chapters start with scripture and quotes from evangelical Christian leaders.
Kathryn Franklin
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