By Tracie Peterson
Bethany House, $14.99, 312 pages
Bailee Cooper has been spent her life guarding their family’s secrets and watching over her two younger sisters, Geena and Piper (and making sure they kept the secrets, too). When their father demands their sudden presence at the family summer home, the women decide that they will confront him and hopefully put their past to rest. But blowing the lid on family secrets will change everything for the Coopers women, in particular for Bailee, who learns to let go and finds her faith along the way.
House of Secrets is a nicely written Christian fiction novel by author Tracie Peterson. She nicely lays out the family dynamics and secrets and shows how it has affected each member of the family. She also demonstrates how releasing the secret is just the start for the family to be whole again. Everything ties up a little too neatly at the end, though, which requires the reader to suspend disbelief a bit but overall, this book will appeal most to fans of Christian fiction and women’s literature.
Reviewed by Barbara Cothern
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