By Fiona Goble
Accorn Publishing, $16.99, 80 pages
Although the holiday season is a few months away, now is a perfect time to begin thinking about gift giving. If you are a crafter, try something brand new and create your own Christmas Nativity scene! Fiona Goble’s book Knitivity lets you start a few family tradition by displaying your unique work of art. The completed knitted scene includes Mary, Joseph, an angel, Baby Jesus, three shepherds, three Wise Men, two sheep, an ox, a donkey, a star, and the Wise Mens’ three gifts. Sixteen project patterns with easy-to-follow instructions are included. The book’s binding folds out to become a cardboard stable and there are directions on how to create Baby Jesus’ manger. Gable reviews the needed materials and knitting essentials. The only stitches you must know are the basic knit and purl (and you need to know how to cast on and bind off on both a knit and a purl row). Knitting groups will love completing this project with friends. Before each type of doll is presented, Goble tells a part of the Christmas story (i.e. the Angel Gabriel visits Mary). The photographs are heartwarming and they show completed dolls in their nativity setting.
Reviewed by Elizabeth Franklin
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