By Filip Florian, Alistair Ian Blyth
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $22.00, 207 pages
Joseph Strauss is a German dentist that happens to solve the dental problems of the future Prince of Romania. Strauss is rewarded handsomely with the typical gold pieces but also by relocating with the prince to Bucharest. Strauss visits his favorite German brothel one more time, packs up his belongings and carries his tomcat by carriage, train and boat to his new home. Strauss continues to service the prince, including introducing him to a blind prostitute. Unknown to the prince, the prostitute bears a son. Strauss ends of being in the middle of the prostitute and the prince while he is trying to maintain his own personal romance on the side. The Days of the King is a tough read with little reward. The sentences are long, winding and at times, nonsensical. I often read passages two or three times to understand the storyline. The ending seemed abrupt and really did not satisfy this reviewer.
Reviewed by Seniye Groff
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