By Janet Schulman, Illustrated by Linda Davick
Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, $6.99, 32 pages
Spring has sprung and ten adorable children are ready for a fun Easter Egg Hunt. Where will the Easter Bunny hide the eggs? Author Janet Schulman, in her book 10 Easter Egg Hunters, introduces young readers to an event that children look forward to all year. As each child finds an egg, readers can practice their counting skills. The sun rises and a sleeping bunny wakes up and gets busy hiding brightly decorated eggs for eager children. Baby is first to join the search. What is that by the mouse door? She is first to find an egg. As Pam and Tom look high and low, Max looks in the mailbox row. He finds an egg! Once all of the children have located a special egg, they join an Easter Parade. Look at their fancy hats! The Easter Bunny looks on with pride as the ten friends march down the street. This sturdy board book will stand up to young hands and readers will love the rhyming scheme. Linda Davick’s candy-colored illustrations are charming and unique. Each page helps celebrate spring, counting, reading and friendship.
Reviewed by Kathryn Franklin
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