By Aubrey Davis, Illustrated by Marie Lafrance
Kids Can Press, $16.95, 32 pages
Shaina’s town is struggling – the tourist trade has dried up and there are fewer jobs and even less food. When she finds a hen, one that belongs to market vendor Izzy Pippik, Shaina’s family and eventually her village encourage her to use the chicken for its eggs and meat. But Shaina is determined to do the right thing despite the pressure from her community. She wants to wait for Izzy’s return so that she can give the hen back to him.
A Hen for Izzy Pippik, by Aubrey Davis, is a cute book featuring a child teaching adults a lesson in morality and manners. The story emphasizes that finders shouldn’t be keepers. It nicely shows Shaina’s courage in standing up for what she thinks is right in the face of pressure from her family and village at large. Young readers will see that good things can come from being selfless. Marie Lafrance’s illustrations are well done and entertaining. Shaina’s story is one that children will enjoy.
Reviewed by Barbara Cothern
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