By Blaize Clement
Minotaur Books, $24.99, 260 pages
The Cat Sitter’s Pajamas is the sixth in a mystery series featuring Dixie Hemingway; a Florida pet-sitter. For those seeking a light, fun read involving a host of cute pets, this is a great little read. However, those seeking a challenging mystery should look elsewhere. In Pajamas, Hemingway walks into her friend and client’s home to tend to his two cats while he vacations with his wife, only to find a semi-naked supermodel, claiming to be the client’s wife. Since Hemingway knows her client’s spouse, she finds this suspicious and leaves to make the appropriate calls. On returning a few minutes later, however, Hemingway finds another woman lying dead on the floor. Thus, the crime solving begins.
Unfortunately, much of the mystery is easily predictable and the character interactions, at times, seem unrealistic. For example; it seems unlikely that a pet sitter could order a meeting with her client (a well-known NFL football player), his wife, and a difficult FBI agent and have them wait patiently while she sleuths for clues in the client’s home. Still, for those looking for a fun beach read, this could be a perfect choice.
Reviewed by Annie Peters
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