By Sean Arbabi
Amphoto Books, $29.99, 240 pages
This book is very informative and would appeal to photographers both gaining experience as well as the seasoned professional. The primary intention of the book is to help the reader understand the benefits of digital photography versus film. Such chapter titles as Nature in the Digital Age, Framing Your Outdoor Scenes, Metering the Outdoors and Lighting and Weather give the reader an idea of the wide breadth of topics the author covers in this book. The first chapter is a bit preachy with the author’s discussion of packing, planning, personal safety and the importance of nature photographers having zero impact on the environment they are exploring. The book is beautifully illustrated with the author’s photographs. There are two basic but important facets of being successful when taking photographs: the ability to “see” the shot and the technical ability to recreate what the human eye is seeing. Much of this book is spent helping the reader to achieve these goals. This is an excellent book for readers looking to improve their skills at nature photography.
Reviewed by Brian Taylor
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