By Sylvie Desrosiers & Remy Simard
Kids Can Press, $16.95, 32 pages
“Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls of all ages! Please remain seated while the man in the center ring makes a rabbit appear out of a hat!” Does that get you in the mood to visit the circus? In case there is not one open near you, enjoy circus-like magic tricks in author Sylvie Desrosiers’ book Hocus Pocus. But be warned. This is not your typical “magician does an act with a bunny” story. It is very different and quite hilarious. In this book, Hocus Pocus is a blue bunny rabbit who loves carrots. He lives with Dog, the magician’s grumpy canine, who doesn’t like the rabbit one bit. The story is a cute one. While the magician is out of the house, Hocus Pocus and Dog chase each other around and make a big mess.
Remy Simard created the illustrations using Adobe Illustrator. The end products explode off the pages in vibrant colors. The story’s comic style will capture the attention of the earliest and most hesitant readers. Children must use context clues like the body language of the characters to predict whether they are happy or sad. What will the magician do when he comes home to such a messy house?
Reviewed by Elizabeth Franklin,
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