By David Hyde Costello
Charlesbridge Press, $14.95, 32 pages
Little Pig Joins the Band is one of the most enjoyable children’s books I’ve seen lately. The basic story is Jacob, the little pig, is too little to join the family band, the instruments available are too big for him. Eventually Jacob learns that he can be part of the band. Be sure to read the dialogue in the artwork, it’s hilarious. The author, David Hyde Costello, did an amazing job and these characters would make a great comic strip.
While discussing the lessons taught by this gem, Mr. Costello makes this point: “A subtler message in the book comes in the dialogue of Little Pig’s siblings. It was fun to write the asides that appear in the illustration. I hope people find them funny. They add up to an idea I wish we would embrace more in our culture, which is simply to listen. Anyone can contribute something important, but if no one pays attention then we miss the benefits of what that one small voice is offering.” I recommend Little Pig Joins the Band for children, but adults will enjoy it too.
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