By David Biedrzycki
Charlesbridge Press, $7.95, 40 pages
In Me and My Dragon, a young boy explains to readers all the reasons why a small, fire breathing dragon makes a wonderful pet. David Biedrzycki writes and illustrates this picture book about a surprising friendship and the responsibilities that come with owning an exotic pet. This is a good book to read aloud with your child. Biedrzycki’s colorful illustrations fill in details and add humor to the tale. The looks of surprise and sometimes fright in the eyes of the adults and animals that the boy and his dragon meet are an example of just how much the book’s illustrations add to the story. Look for other details in the pictures such as the rubber knight chew toy and the fistful of lollypops the dragon clutches at his doctor’s appointment. The adorable red dragon is the star of the story. He is not too scary even for the youngest and most sensitive of readers. This story about a boy and his dragon will encourage any young child to read.
Reviewed by Catherine McMullen
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