Edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel
Cleis Press, $14.95, 248 pages
Obsessed: to haunt or excessively preoccupy the mind. Who is the lover who has obsessed you, the one you can’t stop thinking about, the one who could get you to do anything?
This is what’s being explored in the stories included in Rachel Kramer Bussel’s erotic collection titled Obsessed: Erotic Romance for Women. How does a lover drive you crazy? Get under your skin, with love, anger, longing, confusion and is there the possibility of a happy ending? Our deepest desires are laid bare with these sizzling stories, rekindled sparks and bare bodies that take place across all landscapes of love and explore the levels of taboo and obsession. This isn’t an obsession for stiletto heels or a silver Audi, but a deeper craving, giving power over ourselves to another person, exploring the twist from master to slave and back again, the power of the mind and body over the heart. How does obsession begin, grow, end, enslave? These are the questions addressed and answered in this anthology of daring women who peek into the Pandora’s Box of their desires and embrace what they find there, pushing the reader to perhaps take a look at what gets them obsessed.
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