By Penelope Quest
Tarcher, $17.95, 272 pages
It is important to take some time out for oneself. One way to do that is with reiki. Self-Healing with Reiki: How to Create Wholeness, Harmony & Balance for Body, Mind & Spirit explores this highly successful form of massage. Author Penelope Quest considers reasons why the technique helps people relax as well as its history and metaphysical approach. The discussion of the philosophy behind reiki is very interesting. Quest highlights several different methods including quick exercises and daily rituals. Illustrations accompany easy to follow instructions. She also suggests ways to master the technique, regardless of skill level. At times the book reads like a manual because Quest’s writing is dry and stilted. However, this is a great book for those interested in a self-healing program that allows for moments of reflection.
Reviewed by Jamais Jochim
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