Edited by Martin H. Greenberg and Kerrie Hughes
DAW, $7.99, 311 pages

Westward Weird is a collection of western stories with a twist. The tales combine the technology of science fiction alongside the pulp of the western which makes for some very good reading. The best story is “Clockwork Cowboy” about a colony of robot soldiers. “Lone Wolf” takes readers on a journey where mysticism meets steam punk. The story “Coyote, Spider, Bat” features sly animals and vampires. “Black Train” challenges readers to consider biotech gone disastrously wrong. Several selections need work. Some authors do not stick to the sci-fi theme and others are filled with too much violence. Overall, this is a solid collection of short stories from the Wild West. This is a fun book and is perfect for an afternoon read.

Reviewed by Jamais Jochim,

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