By Beverly McMillan
Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., $14.99, 64 pages
A Day in the Life of Your Body from Beverly McMillan is an exciting book for students to begin investigating all the amazing things our bodies do on a daily basis. The thorough book goes through an around the clock guide to how our bodies work, addressing everything from our hair and skin as it’s washed in the shower to how bugs and viruses affect your health. Each page is full of facts, detailed pictures, and guides to how to use the information. Photos of real kids are sprinkled throughout the book to make sure it’s interesting, but illustrations of one character‒a gender neutral student‒run throughout the book so readers have one person to connect to.
The book seems fitting for third to sixth grade students, who are able to use the book as research for health projects, or read the book for fun to learn more about themselves. The bright illustrations, as well as cool science materials will keep kids turning the pages, while simultaneously helping them understand how their bodies work as it emphasizes good nutrition, sleep habits, exercise and keeping yourself healthy.
Reviewed by Sophie Sestero
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