By Josephine Angelini
Harper Teen, $17.99, 496 pages
Helen is devastated because of Lucas, but love isn’t the only problem she has to face in Dreamless. Every night she descends into the Underworld trying to find the way to free the Furies and Scions from the blood debts, although every night the same torture awaits her. Exhaustion from sleepless nights and days and aching loneliness quickly leaves Helen emotionally unstable, but mysterious funny, strong and smart Orion (Helen’s saving grace), helps her navigate the Underworld is a necessity. To complete her part in the prophecy and also save herself before an impossible new foe gets her first, Helen must fight with strength she does not think she has.
In this book the author creates an incredible realm of possibilities and its vivid imagery is better than in the first book of the series. The new character, Orion, is a welcome relief of the very intense and crushingly real pain Helen is going through. Although it is a long book, the fast pacing, fights and actions make the time reading it fly by, leaving the readers with disappointment because it had to end, but eagerness for the next installment.
Reviewed by Isabel Hernandez
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