By Tomi Ungerer
Phaidon Press, $29.95, 170 pages
Far Out Isn’t Far Enough is filled with beautiful, telling sketches made by its author Tomi Ungerer. The book and its illustrations, drawing in an utterly unique witty style, record Tomi’s and his wife’s unexpected successes and fantastic failures as they fix up their house, raise livestock, garden and get to know their neighbors in the far away spot on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. More than 150 evocative drawings by award winning artist (Hans Christian Andersen Award for illustration) highlight Ungerer’s detailed descriptions. Ungerer’s attempt to escape the New York rat race is quite an adventure to explore in this capturing attention memoir. Originally published in 1984 this vivid account is still appealing to different readers. Those with interest in self-sufficient living and mini-farming could imagine their own lives mirrored in the illustrations and descriptions. Those without the farm experience could soak up the reality of living out in the boonies.
Reviewed by Catherine McMullen
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