By Chris Rader & Mark Behler
Arcadia Publishing, $21.99, 126 pages
The Images of America books are striking new ground. Moving beyond the large cities, and the various neighborhoods in those cities, they are now going out into the smaller, and more mid-size towns of America. The real birthplace of Americana; the small tight-knit communities, small town life, working on the farm, and more. This continues with the eastern Washington town of Wenatchee founded at the confluence of the Wenatchee and Columbia Rivers in the late 1800s. It soon became known for its orchards, especially its apples. With their yearly apple blossom festival, and the annual blossom festival queen, this town has made its mark in America. In this book, we look at several known and historic neighborhoods of Wenatchee from the river’s edge to Saddle Rock. Each area had its own history, traditions, and growth throughout the years. Wenatchee might not be the most well known, but it had a vibrant community.
These books are excellent for local, and social, history. They show how the average person lived. The authors do a good job choosing pictures that allow readers to follow the birth of this community. It leaves you wanting for more.
Reviewed by Kevin Winter
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