By Katherine Ashe
CreateSpace, $19.99, 525 pages
If you’ve ever wondered about the founding of England’s parliament, the story of Simon de Montfort and his interactions with King Henry III is a fascinating look into the history of 13th century life. Montfort: The Angel with the Sword: 1260 to 1265 by Katherine Ashe is the final book in the Montfort series and a great addition to the historical fiction genre. Ashe’s series includes The Early Years: 1229 to 1243, The Viceroy: 1243 to 1253 and The Revolutionary: 1253 to 1260 and comes after 34 years of research by the author.
A list of characters helps readers keep track of everyone. Over 100 characters appear in the story. Those interested in further reading can make use of the included bibliography. Fans of historical fiction, England, English kings, 13th century politics, French court life, romance, deceit, intrigue, action and adventure will be delighted by Ashe’s prose. She includes a section of historical context notes that explain more about the historical facts and how she found the information. Fans of the author should check out Ashe’s next book, The Fairy Garden, a fantasy novel looking at the interaction between the spirit world and the real world.
Reviewed by Kathryn Franklin
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